📞 お問い合せ/CONTACT

Please contact us via the inquiry form, phone, or official LINE. During customer meetings or when we are out, it may be difficult to respond to phone inquiries. In such cases, please kindly use the inquiry form or official LINE.
相談 / Consultation

After you contact us, we will arrange a meeting with you by appointment. We will visit you at a location convenient for you. During the meeting, we will conduct a detailed hearing to determine the type of residence status (visa) you are applying for and the necessary application procedures. Consultations at this stage are generally free.
Additionally, consultations in English are available, so please let us know in advance if you prefer this option.
If it is difficult to meet in person due to location or time constraints, we can also conduct the meeting online (e.g., via ZOOM).
✅ 受任 / Engagement

After the hearing, we will provide information on the application process, a cost estimate, and the expected duration of the procedure. If you are satisfied with these details and pay the initial fee, the case will be officially accepted.
Our office’s fees are explained in detail here.
📄 書類作成 / Document Preparation

We will guide you on the necessary documents for the application. Once you have prepared them, we will begin drafting the application. Regarding the documents required for company-related matters, we may directly communicate with your employer’s HR department.
📨 提出 / Submission

After the documents are prepared and signed by you, our office will submit the application to the regional Immigration Bureau. You do not need to appear in person during this process.
※Even after submission, additional documents may be requested.
📬 申請に対する結果の受け取り / Receiving Results

Once the results are received, they will be sent to your location. Please note that it may take up to three months from the application to receive the results.