


The immigration services provided by an administrative scrivener mainly focus on procedures related to residence status for foreigners. Our office specifically handles the following services.

1 在留資格認定証明書交付申請 
Application for Certificate of Eligibility



  • 日本の大学に入学する留学生
  • 日本の企業で働きたい外国人労働者
  • 日本人と結婚する外国人配偶者
  • 技術者や専門職で来日する外国人

The Certificate of Eligibility for Residence Status is a document required for foreigners to obtain the necessary residence status when entering Japan. By submitting this certificate to a Japanese embassy or consulate abroad, you can apply for the visa required for entry into Japan. Please note that for residence statuses such as ‘short-term stay’ needed for tourism, an application for a Certificate of Eligibility is not required.

2 在留資格変更許可申請 
Application for Change Status of Residence





  • 就職に伴い「留学」ビザから「技術・人文知識・国際業務」ビザに変更する方
  • 転職に伴い現在お持ちのビザとは違う内容のお仕事を行う予定の方

We handle the necessary procedures for foreign nationals already residing in Japan to change their current residence status to another status. This application is made when there is a change in specific job duties, such as a job change.
It involves companies that wish to employ foreign nationals in Japan or foreign nationals who wish to change their visa status.
if only the company changes and the job duties remain the same, a notification of the change in the contract period must be submitted.

3 在留期間更新許可申請 
Application for Extension of Period of Stay


  • 職場や仕事内容は変わらず、在留期限が近付いてきたので期間を更新したい方
  • 在留資格「技能」で就労中のインド人の料理人が別のインド料理店に転職するケース

We assist with the application process to extend the stay of foreigners in Japan before their current residence period expires.

4 永住許可申請 
Application for Permanent Residence


We support the process of applying for permanent residency for foreigners who have been residing in Japan for an extended period and wish to settle permanently. Holding permanent residency offers various benefits, such as the removal of employment restrictions and an unlimited residency period

5 帰化申請 
Naturalization Application


We also assist with the naturalization application process for foreigners seeking to acquire Japanese citizenship.

6 就労資格証明書交付申請 
Application for Issuance of a Certificate of Employment Eligibility


  • 「技術・人文知識・国際業務」の在留資格を持つ外国人が、転職予定の会社から正式な内定をもらった後、雇用する会社側から外国人の在留資格や就労活動の内容を確認するために提出を求められるケース

The application for the issuance of an Employment Qualification Certificate is a procedure that foreign nationals who wish to work in Japan must follow to prove that their residence status allows employment. By obtaining this certificate, you can demonstrate to employers and relevant organizations that you are legally allowed to work.

7 その他手続き 
Other Procedures


We also handle various other immigration-related tasks, such as reissuing residence cards, applying for permission for activities outside the scope of the visa, and procedures related to specific skill visas.